Sunday, January 22, 2012

2011 Part Three: Another year older.

 In July, I celebrated my 24th birthday by taking a trip to the Wimberly Markets (it was hot) and going to a wine tasting at the Duchman Family Winery (it was a lot of wine). This fabulous winery in located in Driftwood... Spicewood Springs. Somewhere close to Wimberly. 


After eating two (three??) baskets of free crackers at the tasting, we decided our tummy's needed a little more sustenance and headed to the Mandola's next door for some delicious pizza- cheese-prosciutto-olives-bread-oil-Italian yumminess.  
Ladies sitting on the fountain. Fun fact: Holly, Carmen and I all have birthdays within 2 1/2 weeks of each other.

Footloose came to the Zilker Hillside in July, and so did we, large blanket and picnic basket in hand. Being the picnic n00bs that we are, Carmen, Adam, Tanya & I packed a bottle of wine, some teddy grahams and a box of mike and ikes.... a combination strangely reminiscent of what I took with me when I tried to run away from home at five (minus the wine of course). Oh, and we didn't eat dinner before hand. Very smart when you are sitting outside for three + hours on a typical hundred degree Austin summer evening. Thankfully, Melanie brought a boxed red and white wine (duh, no glass bottles at the park!), some fancy cheese and crackers, an assortment of Godiva chocolates, two bags of gluten free chips, and a container of grapes.  I love the two girls photo bombing in the back in contrast with the father/son duo trying so hard NOT to photo bomb in the front.

After the show, this stunning southern belle let us snap a picture with her! Meg, that wig is strangely reminiscent of the young Evita monstrosity of your high school days...
 Moving along: Adam drank wine out a shoe and then installed our ceiling fan. Well, perhaps not in that order (if this was a highlights magazine, you could circle his curly head in the right hand photo).  Please note the demolished Justin Beiber pinata on the broken futon, it speaks of good times gone by.

The end of July also marked our 1 year anniversary in the apartment. We started to get all spring cleany (except in the summer time) and that led to a huge closet purge, which in turn led to selling a good lot of our furniture (remember the broken futon?) on Craigslist... which of course then led to buying a heck of a lot of new stuff for our apartment, including a dryer, some curtains, and a matching couch and love seat. Being an adult is v. exciting.

Well this doesn't quite look right, does it? So, let's just say we had a little couch buying mishap... let's just also say never buy anything from a furniture store that rhymes with Blooms to Grow... and Craigslist is awesome. Anyway, somehow the stars aligned one evening and we found ourselves with three love seats (one not pictured because Tanya is standing on it to take this picture) and two full size couches. Not girls to let an opportunity like this pass us by, we staged a moving photo jumping from couch to couch, and when that wasn't enough, we took a video. Here is that video:

Epic, no?
Oh, and don't forget Nigel's still cute.

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