The Line Up:
Brandi Carlile Ray LaMontagne Foster the People Coldplay
Tanya and I camped out for a good view of Ray LaMontagne-- and it definitely paid off!
The girl who took this picture declared us 'adorable' and then followed up with 'I'm so sorry guys, I'm 6 foot 2. My view is going to be AWESOME.' |
I would just like to say that even though ACL festival goers freely embrace near nudity in the 100 degree weather, it is understood that the performers will garb themselves in the hottest, sweatiest, least breathable fabrics for their hour onstage.
Exhibit A: Crushed red velvet pants and vest, matching hat. |
I always love being close enough to the stage to get a good view of the interpreter--- this woman was a rock star with her air guitar! My ASL is pretty rusty, but I did catch her interpretation of Ray's 'she gives me love and affection' as 'I have a girlfriend- she loves me, WOW, I have a girlfriend, I like it.' |
Oh, Foster the People is playing right now? Much of this show was spent trying to navigate this crowd-- rookie ACL mistake. |
Corinna & Carmen found us! Obligatory Friday crowd shot #1. |
And #2-- Look at that skyline! |
So. many. people. |
Obviously I don't know how to use my camera, or I would have fixed the flash... but this weird glowy light is oddly appropriate for two girls standing in line to use a porty-a- potty while holding a wad of toilet paper they brought from home. |
To cap off the evening, we sat and watched while Chris Martin somersaulted around the stage and sweated onto his keyboard. I'm not sure this performance is going to go down as Coldplay's best, but in my mind, they can do no wrong.
On an unrelated note, I once asked my sister if Apple (Gywneth Paltrow & Chris Martin's first child) was a girl or a boy, and she looked at me like that was a stupid question. Do fruit namesakes really have obvious gender?
One day down, two to go... |
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