Monday, March 12, 2012

Nooks and crannies

When I was little, one of my favorite things to do was grab a couple pillows off my bed, climb up onto the shelf above the clothes in my closet, and read. This daring feat would last for about ten minutes, at which point I would get a crick in my neck from trying to fit upright within the18" opening between my perch and the shelf above me...but for those ten minutes, everything was perfect. And private. And uncomfortable, but grandly uncomfortable.

I don't know when secret passages and book cases with ladders and reading in the hay loft went out of fashion (though I am guessing it was around the time Belle's great grandkids had an estate sale and everything good and precious in this world was scattered to the winds like that contemplative daffodil she picks at the beginning of the movie), but my future home is definitely going to have at least one legitimate book nook..and not just a chair in a corner next to a bookshelf like I have now.
Reading The Chronicles of Narnia may have given me unreasonable expectations about my closet (to this day that shelf sags a bit in the middle), but perhaps I was barking up the wrong tree. A window alcove perhaps? Safer, closer to the ground?

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I can just imagine how this conversation went...
"Honey, I can't think of a thing to do with this dang spare cupboard!"
"Well sweets, we are always saying how much we need a spare bedroom for when your sisters come to stay..."

No but seriously, it's like a rich man's Harry Potter and I love it.

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The pillows, the wallpaper, the slanty ceiling!? I want to be there right now.

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Hmmm, turquoise ladder + tall bookshelf = What I would look like if I were a room.

And then just for fun:  

I want to have breakfast in the attic...
 I want to have breakfast in the attic!

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