Growing up, I read constantly-- usually two or three books at a time, one of which I would keep under my pillow at night, the others I would hide under my skirted bedside table. Before anyone lables me as too prodigious a child, I have to admit that most of the books I read from ages 7- 13 were part of the Babysitters Club series... but that is neither here nor there.
Summers in particular feel like the pages of a book to me-- I used to stay up most nights until 2 or 3 in the morning reading, and then wake up in the morning and read some more.
Nowadays, my laptop is the last thing I look at before I go to bed and the first thing I reach for in the morning. Although I would say I am relatively well-read for my age (I mostly credit this to being an English major), I just don't feel like I read enough. Now that the summer is halfway done, I have finally decided I need to start my reading list and stick to it. Selections are as follows..
Under the Banner of Heaven- This is my current read and it is flipping crazy. I read Into the Wild, another Jon Krakauer book, a few months, and my experience with Under the Banner of Heaven has been exactly the same-- I can't put it down, and when I'm not reading about it, I'm thinking about reading it.
Catcher in the Rye-- I actually have read Catcher in the Rye.. when I was about 13. Ambitious though I was, I definitely did not understand it... or like it. We'll see how the re-read goes.
The Watery Part of the World... I know nothing about this book except that the author knows how to write a good title. Very Ernest Hemingway way of him. Also, I had to get on a waiting list at the library to get it,
so you know its good.
The Help-- I read a really interesting interview with the author of this novel a while back, and it has been on a radar for a while. With the movie coming out in August, I would like to try to finish it before then.
Just trying to be honest.